• Crimean Surfers While most surfers ride the waves with their bodies, Crimean surfers ride the waves with their нутро or “gut chakra”. This changes everything, including the surfer and the concept of surfing itself, but as everything that is simple it also demands more explanation. Crimea is a beautiful desolate peninsula located at the Black Sea. It […] Dmitry Paranyushkin 0 Comments November 21, 2016
  • Polysingularity of Water Water is a great example of a natural entity that is polysingular. It can maintain several different dynamic states at once that interact through its own liquid matter to produce non-equilibrium stability. The constant movement of water creates perturbations within the substance, which then come into direct contact with earth, wind, light and reflections. The […] Dmitry Paranyushkin 0 Comments June 29, 2012