I Passed By The Building…
I passed by the building you were working in I wanted to step inside it I wanted to lie in your arms again I passed by the building that you live in And I wanted to die I just stood there and cried For then the way I felt For the way I was gonna […]
The B….. Belly With Us All In It…
Starts from 6:50. The B…. Belly With Us All In It The belly with us all in it Hangs above a bath of leaves That big woman Her body hurts And she wants To rest in green water The hand that brings us out of captivity Turns another page In a living room That […]
There is a particular moment when a plane lands where it has to decrease the speed to the point of no return. The ideal landing is when contact with the ground occurs as the forward speed is reduced to the point where there is no longer sufficient airspeed to remain aloft. That’s the moment when […]
Sound Selection
I typically start with sound selection. Usually this involves my own source recordings that I will start to process into “musical” sounds. I like to use processes like convolution and granular processing to alter and shape the sounds into drones and textures. Once I’ve got a set of sounds I like I drop them into […]
Shrewd Short-Term Operator
In his handling of the crisis, he has again revealed himself as a good tactician – a shrewd short-term operator. But he remains a poor strategist, and an obstacle to the future wellbeing.
Explosive Implosion
Every particle is exploding and imploding at every moment of time. 0:12 Six feet of this long molecule fits into the microscopic nucleus of every cell. 2:57 What you are about to see is DNA’s most extraordinary secret; how a simple code is turned into flesh and blood. You are watching this transcription […]
The Life and Death of an Engineered Organism
A theoretical approach for designing a controllable synthetic circuit has been proposed and could be applied in similar situations. The principal idea is to incorporate an outer feedback loop around the synthetic construct, such that the organism cannot be sustained without an external control signal: a given nutrient or a light source. This type of […]
Words Enchanted
through the light from the mountains and a breeze from the muses shall the words enchant all but he who them uses by Enya Mommsen
An Imprint for Anonymous Publications
“HWORDE is a book imprint openly burying and consecrating authorial identity within inauthentic compositional processes of exhumatory reformation ordered towards positive disintegration of discourse and transformation of its practice into logical deeds of textual self-defiance. We have had enough of words, enough of the coutured decadences of literary delivery and the celebrated hype-o-crises of intellectual […]
In Search for the Local
“We shall argue that the task of localization needs to be understood as an oblique procedure that operates by means of certain ‘perspective operators’ and ‘epistemic mediators’. These perspective operators or navigational tools are able to interweave depth and surface, the generic and the vague (particular) and diagonally connect the diachronic to the synchronic (telescopic […]