- The Magic of Feedback Loops: AI Takes Over The world is gripped by the collective anxiety proliferated by live death-count dashboards, exponential charts, and frightening headlines that promise the imminent apocalypse. The real extent of the problem, however, is not really known. The decisions are made based on incomplete data. Worst-case scenarios are used to implement social and economic policies without a proper discussion or long-term implications assessment.
- Questioning the Legitimisation Что мы легитимизируем тем, что мы делаем?
- Software Takes Command A post on Facebook says “there was 9/11, now there is 11/9”. The scale of disaster is almost comparable: who could have predicted that Donald Trump would become the next president of the US? A recent piece from NiemanLab (a leading think tank on journalism) asks if this election is the turning point for media’s […]