- Polysingularity Letters, volume 3 | Book 1 Polysingularity Letters, Volume 3 is out and available as a limited edition printed book or an interactive e-book PDF download. In this publication we lay bare all the main principles of polysingularity as well as everything that is related to it. Polysingularity Letters is available at Motto Distribution (online or at their shop on Skalitzer […]
- Partial Wisdom It is easy To inspect an object To determine which properties it has By attempting To retrieve the properties And examining the values obtained. O! This is all there is to say About the objects and their properties.
- Shades of Gray Repetition and difference are the two processes at the core of polysingularity. The shades of gray change at each iteration, the shape remains the same. The relation between the feature that is invariant and the feature that is constantly changing defines the nature of the object and the potential it has to be perceived or […]
- Table Surface A table surface is still only if one is not looking and even in this case it’s moving but at the time scale that’s beyond our immediate concern. However, when we look at the surface of the table, we realize its polysingularity through the continuous reactivation of visual neurons, which, in turn, synchronize with the […]
- Glass Napkin Every subsequent moment has a trace of the previous one. Repetitive iterations maintain the essence through slight deviations that progressively shift the sound into the new plane. A plateau is maintained through polysingularity, but the insistence of difference to manifest itself at each step is shifting the plateau position in space.
- Shining Light Any light is a manifestation of polysingularity: an electrical circuit is generated repetitively to produce the difference of potentials that has to be compensated with an increased intensity.