- Ignore Terror This article was written as a response to terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015 and in Brussels in 2016. Terror works when it instills fear (from Latin terrere ‘frighten’). When something works there will be more and more of it (positive reinforcement feedback loops are everywhere). Therefore, the reaction to terror is its fuel and its […]
- Their War A state of war is a state of exception, which pushes one to take a position: to fight back, to pray, to protect, to hide, to escape, to start acting and change the world, to be afraid and stay immobile, to give blood, to learn first-aid, to learn self-defence, to pretend like nothing is going […]
- Security There is a thing about security: It positions itself On the border between whatever it is that is allowed and that, which is not. whatever it is that is protected and that, which is not. whatever it is that is concealed and that, which is not. In this way to be on the side of […]
- The Life and Death of an Engineered Organism A theoretical approach for designing a controllable synthetic circuit has been proposed and could be applied in similar situations. The principal idea is to incorporate an outer feedback loop around the synthetic construct, such that the organism cannot be sustained without an external control signal: a given nutrient or a light source. This type of […]