- 8OS: Operating System for Bodymind A working proposal and an ongoing practice for body/mind open source operating system based on adaptive development and 8-like oscillatory wave motion at its core.
- Сorrupted Innocence If there is something inside the innocence that wants to be corrupted, it is the total lack of resistance towards the eyes of the beholder. As soon as it is corrupted, it is not innocent anymore. “I surrender”, “I give myself up to you”. Fully, univocally, completely. But only this one time. What’s next? Both […]
- The Bow and the Arrow I had a dream about you. Or maybe it was a dream about myself. It was in some kind of a beautiful forest, but there were not too many trees. Almost none. Maybe it was a Siberian steppe. Some hills around, far way. There was a man, a very strong man, and he was showing […]
- In Search for the Local “We shall argue that the task of localization needs to be understood as an oblique procedure that operates by means of certain ‘perspective operators’ and ‘epistemic mediators’. These perspective operators or navigational tools are able to interweave depth and surface, the generic and the vague (particular) and diagonally connect the diachronic to the synchronic (telescopic […]
- The Universal Connection From the eyes of the purple coat orange grocery store bag woman comes a very thin channel that reaches all the way out to distant shuddering waterfallmist expanses. She’s looking far off into this place. It’s nothing special. The eyes of every living being look there. The firm knowledge of that fact creates a firmness […]
- Will She Will He If we attempt to illustrate the above intentionality, it would look something like that: Therefore, for the majority of those who are interested in “Will She”, there is definitely a concern that somebody might leave beyond the vicinity of the agreed border. For the majority of those who are interested in “Will He”, however, there […]