Operational Strategy of Desire
The more something lacks the more it is needed. The absence produces desire. The presence precedes the absence. a sudden distraction extraction pre-occupation ostentation retaliation. … Only 0 days 17 hours 14 minutes 29 seconds left … Otherwise it will be too late. Only today and only tomorrow. Touch me and we will never talk […]
The Observer Effect and the Hidden Spectacular
One of the quantum mechanics postulates says that by the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality. A common-place knowledge among security people: watching somebody who’s just about to steal through a CCTV screen actually makes them aware of being watched and prevents the act of stealing. People comply. People do what’s […]
Unfathomable Loneliness
Now that those days are gone And the rooms are brighter with the light that we couldn’t see before And the air is fuller with the silence that we couldn’t hear before Let’s embrace this newly found emptiness silently observe and give in To the breeze of this newly found air. […]
There is a thing about security: It positions itself On the border between whatever it is that is allowed and that, which is not. whatever it is that is protected and that, which is not. whatever it is that is concealed and that, which is not. In this way to be on the side of […]
Electric Power Transmission Towers
The tower has a centre V shape insulator configuration which is held within a diamond shape. This increases the apparent height of the tower but reduces the apparent width of the tower. The outer insulators are held by two diamond shape cross arms which extend from either side of the tower. The earthwires are […]
#hashtag #story
#michael #david #gotaminute #lifetime #beenthere with #thisperson #cool #askaquestion #noidea #maybeforever#neveragain#success #amazing #lol #lol #paris #london #newyork #nofilter
The Dream and the Reason
There is a particular moment within a dream, When one realizes that it is a dream. The first thought: “What a superb rendering of reality!” Every shape, every color, every constellation – all this is a product of imagination. After the initial appreciation has subsided, (and somehow it always does) the […]
Impossible Things about Impossible People
Я представляю о тебе какие-то невозможные вещи. I imagine impossible things about you. Например, мы сидим вместе где-то рядом. Приходит наша подруга. Мы её знаем, и ты, и я. Но по-разному. Я не буду говорить тебе, кто это, но, возможно, ты поймёшь. Это не так важно. Так вот, она приходит, садится рядом. Мы начинаем говорить. […]
The Bow and the Arrow
I had a dream about you. Or maybe it was a dream about myself. It was in some kind of a beautiful forest, but there were not too many trees. Almost none. Maybe it was a Siberian steppe. Some hills around, far way. There was a man, a very strong man, and he was showing […]
We now proceed to the discussion of es~sence. What is the essence of things? What is the essence of this question? This is absolutely essential. “The very essence of this idea…” The essential weakness of this, the essential weakness of that. It is essential to realize that whatever it is that is realized is essential […]
Form and Color
Sometimes we are interested in form: Sometimes we are interested in color:
Mediated by Synchrony
The most plausible mechanism for large-scale integration is the formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands.
Keep up-to-date on developments via the Internet. • Buy Duct tape, masking tape and self-adhesive weather stripping. • Cover windows and doors with plastic. • Cover electrical outlets and light switches with plastic. • Cover vents in bathrooms and stoves with plastic. • Cover your pets and your children with plastic. • Cover your computers […]
Slave to the Inner Totem
If one is to be a slave of something, there are many things to choose from: Slave to one’s job. Slave to one’s family. Slave to the circumstances. Slave to external demands. Slave of habits. Slave to the rhythm. Slave of the fact that a washing machine is a really convenient thing to use, however, […]
The Universal Connection
From the eyes of the purple coat orange grocery store bag woman comes a very thin channel that reaches all the way out to distant shuddering waterfallmist expanses. She’s looking far off into this place. It’s nothing special. The eyes of every living being look there. The firm knowledge of that fact creates a firmness […]
Refusal and Free Will of the Turin Horse
Someone has said: ““The hardest battle you will ever have to fight is between who you are now and who you want to be.” IF one is to fight any battles, this one, indeed, will be the hardest one. Why fight? Why be someone else? Why fight to be someone else? […] […] In Turin […]
Cheap Jerseys (Spam)
Most companies at this time realize That social media will be the Here to stay as an all in one form Having to do with marketing and customer products cheap jerseys So as to provide a multi function valuable Get in touch with link to explore customers. But a number of different Also have but […]
Magic (Procedure)
The magic unfolds and reveals itself. The movement starts somewhere deep. It travels throughout the body or any other substance. Gradually… Creating the space and time (it needs) It emanates In concentric shapes. Each iteration is slightly reminiscent of the other, But is, in fact, different. The traces of magic are sometimes plotted as phase […]
In the end We are all Just trying To get closer To ourselves.
Partial Wisdom
It is easy To inspect an object To determine which properties it has By attempting To retrieve the properties And examining the values obtained. O! This is all there is to say About the objects and their properties.
The book of things that were made known beforehand. Printed book: The Flow and the Notion