Meme Truth
The interplay between meme-driven truth and attention reveals a cycle of short-lived beliefs, trading, and collective adaptation. As memes spread, they can unify but also risk triggering extinction. Meme investment is a gamble—balancing hope with the risk of loss, echoing societal dynamics of power and the potential for evolution.
The True Meaning of Freedom? Liberation from Habits.
What is the true meaning of freedom? Freedom is commonly understood as autonomy from external constraints, the ability to do whatever you want, to resist power structures, and to act without restraint. Such understanding of freedom makes it a highly idealistic (and ideological) concept, and it’s enshrined into national constitutions, government slogans, education, and culture, […]
Which Side Are You On?
We live in a world that has multiple dimensions, however, too often we are forced to reduce everything to a single one. A simple straight line with opposite ends is used to define reality in all its complexity. Pro or anti. Black or white. Woke or conservative. Democrat or Republican. 1 or 0. People force […]
Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and the Fallacy of Big Concepts
Many people are critical of capitalism and neoliberalism. There are multiple other things they may be critical of, but for the sake of convenience, it can be interesting to stop here. “This is pure neoliberalism”. “This is so capitalistic”. It’s like the words “neoliberalism” and “capital” became synonyms for the word “evil There is no doubt […]
Ideological Software
Programming is pretty straightforward. One has to decide on a certain logic and then implement it in a set of instructions that will combine actions and responses to various feedback loops. It is very defined and precise in this way. An algorithm is programmed and this algorithm follows a certain protocol and implements it along […]
Diagnosis and Surveillance
One could say that diagnosis and surveillance are friends. They detect deviation. When it is identified, it is categorized and acted upon. The objective is to normalize and to minimize. To minimize the risk of infection, we recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly. We should try to minimize our carbon footprint. To normalize one’s […]
Variability of a Text, Ecology of Attention
How to modulate variability of attention and perception in order to promote ecological thinking? This article proposes a method and its practical implementation.
Does Software Need to Solve Problems?
“What is the problem your software is solving?” Usually, if you cannot answer this question, you are expected to stop doing whatever it is you are doing and reconsider. After all, we live in a world of immediate gratification. If you cannot resolve a real and existing need then you do not deserve the resources […]
The Re~Definition of Value
Too often we’re driven by the notion of value that has nothing to do with us. In the most basic case we might think that something is valuable just because it can be measured in something else: the money or the amount of attention that it can be exchanged for. // “How many likes did this post […]
Questioning the Legitimisation
Что мы легитимизируем тем, что мы делаем?
In this world, annihilation is known as the movie, Annihilation. In this movie we encounter the new form of alien life, which does not use flying saucers or other means of aerial transportation (nor any sort of conventional transportation) to reach the humanity and invade. Instead, they choose to invade through the DNA. Attracting a […]
Legitimization and Cultivation
In this world, there are things that inhabitants do on a regular basis: be it routine actions or practice. … Every time they act they can ask themselves: “What do I legitimize with what I’m doing?” Example 1. When you’re reading this text from the screen of your iPhone or any other device you are legitimizing several things and […]
Re~Definition of a Special Agent
During my practice, between 2015 and 2018, I liked to use the term “Special Agent”. Apart from other elements, it consists of two words: “special” and “agent”. Why? … The word special relates to one’s specialty: be it a brain better suited for solving mathematical problems or the ability to cook amazing Italian food. To be […]
Re~Definition of Recognition
Recognition: from Latin re- “again” and cognoscere “know”. To know again and again, because you’ve already known before. Something can be recognized because it is familiar, a problem may be recognized ~ acknowledged, somebody may be recognized because they are already known, somebody may also be recognized for what they are. One could assume that […]
Stereotypes and Archetypes
In this world, there are stereotypes and then there are archetypes. Accordingly, one can live a life that is governed by stereotypes or one can live a life that is governed by archetypes. Or both – to a certain extent.
Personal Space
In this world, everyone wants to have their personal space. A space where their persona can extend, stretch, and feel free to function. The subjects of our study pay double to have a little bit more of their personal space in the 1st class of a train.
Crossing the Border
In this world, whenever you cross a border, be it a physical border, a more abstract transgression, or anything else, there will always be people who will position themselves on that demarkation line.
Dreams Incorporated
In this world, there are many different kinds of dreams, including the lucid ones. But one particular type of dream of interest is the Dream that is Incorporated.
Internet Proletariat
In this world, there is a certain class, which we will call the “internet proletariat”. A median representative of this class spends most of their resources (that is, their time) browsing the internet for opportunities, be it social networks, art funding bodies, chat messengers, or instant aura trading platforms. They do not own the means […]
Сorrupted Innocence
If there is something inside the innocence that wants to be corrupted, it is the total lack of resistance towards the eyes of the beholder. As soon as it is corrupted, it is not innocent anymore. “I surrender”, “I give myself up to you”. Fully, univocally, completely. But only this one time. What’s next? Both […]
Trans~mission Cables
A searchable collection of confidential cables on inter~subjective relations intercepted en route between the world that is this and the world that is something else.