- Crimean Surfers While most surfers ride the waves with their bodies, Crimean surfers ride the waves with their нутро or “gut chakra”. This changes everything, including the surfer and the concept of surfing itself, but as everything that is simple it also demands more explanation. Crimea is a beautiful desolate peninsula located at the Black Sea. It […]
- I Passed By The Building… I passed by the building you were working in I wanted to step inside it I wanted to lie in your arms again I passed by the building that you live in And I wanted to die I just stood there and cried For then the way I felt For the way I was gonna […]
- Сorrupted Innocence If there is something inside the innocence that wants to be corrupted, it is the total lack of resistance towards the eyes of the beholder. As soon as it is corrupted, it is not innocent anymore. “I surrender”, “I give myself up to you”. Fully, univocally, completely. But only this one time. What’s next? Both […]
- Chaos and Circadian Rhythms In this world, there are several facts that are scientifically confirmed. The state of cognitive rest is characterized by chaotic variability. Chaotic variability has a pattern of pink noise. Pink noise: oscillation amplitudes negatively correlate with their frequencies. The smaller the amplitude, the higher the frequency. The higher the amplitude, the lower the frequency. Everyday things happen more often than […]
- Love vs Belonging “I would say the community of love is a community living to share the absence of common being. Not the absence of being–in–common, but the absence of common being,” said Jean-Luc Nancy one day or maybe several times in various different ways. Then the other day one could see the following written at Berghain’s restroom: […]