Unfathomable Loneliness
Now that those days are gone And the rooms are brighter with the light that we couldn’t see before And the air is fuller with the silence that we couldn’t hear before Let’s embrace this newly found emptiness silently observe and give in To the breeze of this newly found air. […]
February 4, 2015
The Pessimism, Despair and Hypocrisy of Berlin’s Street Art
As I am writing these words this beautiful artwork that has over the years become the landmark of Berlin is being painted black. All over. Right now it looks like this: and by tomorrow it’s going to look like this: or like this: or finally like this: And it is not the city of Berlin […]
December 11, 2014
There is a thing about security: It positions itself On the border between whatever it is that is allowed and that, which is not. whatever it is that is protected and that, which is not. whatever it is that is concealed and that, which is not. In this way to be on the side of […]
December 1, 2014
I Passed By The Building…
I passed by the building you were working in I wanted to step inside it I wanted to lie in your arms again I passed by the building that you live in And I wanted to die I just stood there and cried For then the way I felt For the way I was gonna […]
November 22, 2014
Electric Power Transmission Towers
The tower has a centre V shape insulator configuration which is held within a diamond shape. This increases the apparent height of the tower but reduces the apparent width of the tower. The outer insulators are held by two diamond shape cross arms which extend from either side of the tower. The earthwires are […]
September 23, 2014
Throwing the Violence Back onto Itself
Gregory Bateson proposes a very interesting example in his description of the double-bind phenomena as a cause for schizophrenic reaction. A plane passenger faces the situation where she has a neighbor who really wants to talk to her. She cannot escape before the flight ends, she doesn’t want to engage into a conversation, […]
August 11, 2014
Polysingularity Mix / 22 Major Arcanas of Tarot #listen
Download MP3 The tracks in this mix follow the 22 Major Arcanas of Tarot. Click on the track to read the description for each card. 0. The Fool | Clams Casino – Lvl [A$AP Rocky] I. Magician | Cyril Hahn mashup: UZ x R Kelly – I’m a Flirt Trap II. Priestess | FKA Twigs […]
August 10, 2014
There is a particular moment when a plane lands where it has to decrease the speed to the point of no return. The ideal landing is when contact with the ground occurs as the forward speed is reduced to the point where there is no longer sufficient airspeed to remain aloft. That’s the moment when […]
July 28, 2014
Sound Selection
I typically start with sound selection. Usually this involves my own source recordings that I will start to process into “musical” sounds. I like to use processes like convolution and granular processing to alter and shape the sounds into drones and textures. Once I’ve got a set of sounds I like I drop them into […]
July 24, 2014
Shrewd Short-Term Operator
In his handling of the crisis, he has again revealed himself as a good tactician – a shrewd short-term operator. But he remains a poor strategist, and an obstacle to the future wellbeing.
July 20, 2014
Internet Proletariat
In this world, there is a certain class, which we will call the “internet proletariat”. A median representative of this class spends most of their resources (that is, their time) browsing the internet for opportunities, be it social networks, art funding bodies, chat messengers, or instant aura trading platforms. They do not own the means […]
July 16, 2014
#hashtag #story
#michael #david #gotaminute #lifetime #beenthere with #thisperson #cool #askaquestion #noidea #maybeforever#neveragain#success #amazing #lol #lol #paris #london #newyork #nofilter
July 16, 2014
An online tool that helps create constellations of knowledge for retaining information and exploring data from a different perspective.
April 26, 2014
Explosive Implosion
Every particle is exploding and imploding at every moment of time. 0:12 Six feet of this long molecule fits into the microscopic nucleus of every cell. 2:57 What you are about to see is DNA’s most extraordinary secret; how a simple code is turned into flesh and blood. You are watching this transcription […]
April 14, 2014
The Dream and the Reason
There is a particular moment within a dream, When one realizes that it is a dream. The first thought: “What a superb rendering of reality!” Every shape, every color, every constellation – all this is a product of imagination. After the initial appreciation has subsided, (and somehow it always does) the […]
April 8, 2014
Сorrupted Innocence
If there is something inside the innocence that wants to be corrupted, it is the total lack of resistance towards the eyes of the beholder. As soon as it is corrupted, it is not innocent anymore. “I surrender”, “I give myself up to you”. Fully, univocally, completely. But only this one time. What’s next? Both […]
March 20, 2014
Impossible Things about Impossible People
Я представляю о тебе какие-то невозможные вещи. I imagine impossible things about you. Например, мы сидим вместе где-то рядом. Приходит наша подруга. Мы её знаем, и ты, и я. Но по-разному. Я не буду говорить тебе, кто это, но, возможно, ты поймёшь. Это не так важно. Так вот, она приходит, садится рядом. Мы начинаем говорить. […]
March 16, 2014
The Bow and the Arrow
I had a dream about you. Or maybe it was a dream about myself. It was in some kind of a beautiful forest, but there were not too many trees. Almost none. Maybe it was a Siberian steppe. Some hills around, far way. There was a man, a very strong man, and he was showing […]
March 1, 2014
Polysingularity Mix / Asynchronous Oscillations #dance
Dedicated to non-equilibrium stability of asynchronous oscillations. Every track is a carefully selected sonic experience maintaining its musicality through out of phase rhythmicality. […] Sometimes things don’t have to be in sync in order to be together. In fact, having two and more rhythms out of sync, and yet still interacting together creates very […]
February 15, 2014
The Life and Death of an Engineered Organism
A theoretical approach for designing a controllable synthetic circuit has been proposed and could be applied in similar situations. The principal idea is to incorporate an outer feedback loop around the synthetic construct, such that the organism cannot be sustained without an external control signal: a given nutrient or a light source. This type of […]
January 28, 2014